Saturday, July 30, 2011

Virginia Erdie joins Jack Art Gallery

With a strong background in psychology, science fiction, creative writing and drawing/painting, I have developed a portfolio of imaginative and somewhat satirical artwork over the past 29 years.

As I am more and more fascinated with the chaotic beauty and design of this physical universe, I am currently more interested in the underlying subtleties that our senses cannot detect.

These subtleties are lurking just beyond the unconscious mind and I am attempting to capture that beauty and chaos on canvas and wood.

My embellishment studio classes at The School of the Art Institute of Chicago and my printmaking studies at The Maryland Institute, College of Art, inspire me to incorporate found objects and texture into my current work.

I now possess a powerful ambition to create larger installations. I have learned that it is nearly impossible to deny myself of these creative obsessions.

Check out her body of work at Jack Art Gallery.